Odorite™ Ultra Deep Clean 10 X FF Application for- Floor & Tile Manual Scrubber( 5L makes 25L)


Multi-purpose bio-formulation & multi action microbial consortium
Odorite™ Ultra Bio Floor & Tile Auto Scrubber will show results within no time. Lifting the old grease and grime up is the first sign that it is
working. The bio-enzymes work to break apart the build-up of grease and organic waste on the floor and grout. You will notice a significant
improvement in the floor’s appearance with your first wash, mop or scrub and employees will notice improved traction (less slippage) than
The bacillus consortium in Odorite™ Ultra Bio Floor & Tile Auto Scrubber produces seven separate enzymes to ensure the swift
degradation of key organic contaminants to ensure surfaces are biologically cleaned and odours controlled. Although many bacteria can
utilize these organics as food sources, it is the bacteria with the most rapid production of these enzymes that provide the most dramatic
Odorite™ Ultra Bio Floor & Tile Auto Scrubber is a bio-enzymatic product specially formulated to digest oils, grease and other dirt
(organic waste) on floors, leaving an invisible film which continues to digest the oils and grease even after regular cleaning. The in-depth cleaning of floors leave them cleaner, less slippery and with no malodours. Odorite™ Ultra Bio Floor & Tile Auto Scrubber is
a powerful formulation of nutrients, stimulants and surface agents producing excellent performance.
Most chemical cleaning products emulsify organics allowing for even distribution on floor surfaces, thus not really cleaning anything. The
microorganism in Odorite cleaning products work during and after the initial cleaning is done. They penetrate into cracks and crevices of floor
surfaces to degrade and digest spills, grease, and other accumulated organic material leaving floors visibly cleaner.
• Common applications include cleaning floors for quick service, restaurants, schools and industrial cafeterias, long term care and
hospitals, grocery store floors (behind the counter) and floors in food processing plants.
• Displaces unknown, potentially “pathogenic” (disease causing) bacteria with known, healthy microorganisms and, in this way, contributes
to better human health.
• While not a biocide, a side benefit is that it eliminates the feeding and breeding sources for pests (insects) and will out-compete other
potentially harmful bacteria for the same food source.
• With routine cleaning, the effect is enhanced with each application until floors are truly deep cleaned.

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Odorite™ Ultra Bio Floor & Tile Auto Scrubber will show results within no time. Lifting the old grease and grime up is the first sign that it is
working. The bio-enzymes work to break apart the build-up of grease and organic waste on the floor and grout. You will notice a significant
improvement in the floor’s appearance with your first wash, mop or scrub and employees will notice improved traction (less slippage) than
before. Makes 25liters.